Closest To Cold – Advertising with Coors Light

Coors Light have recently unveiled their latest ads in the “Closest to Cold” campaign which feature a brand new realisation of the original “Take My Breath Away” commercial (see below) and a print that showcases a life-size sculpture of Jean Claude Van Damme carved by our very own Jamie Hamilton.

Commissioned by VCCP Blue, the sculpture took a week to carve and weighed in at 600kg. It was so heavy that a fork lift truck was used to move the icy Jean Claude into the team’s studio where photographer Per Lindgreen snapped the key shots.

The agency decided on Van Damme’s pose beforehand which posed a big challenge as there was no room for interpretation. Jamie worked from photographs in order to create the likeness and enjoyed the novelty of carving a mullet.

The industry often uses ice for the modern, clean and sleek impression that it conveys, so to sculpt something for such an old fashioned and cheesy effect was definitely an amusing experience.